torsdag 4 november 2010


I learned knitting when I was 8yrs old in the 80-ies. Mum used to knit in front of the tv every night, and I asked her to teach me.
I fell in love with a wonderfully cosy semichunky red wool, and mum said that if I showed her that I could finish a smaller project, I would be allowed to start the sweater I wanted. I embarked on a pair of light blue acrylic legwarmers to match my dancing suit (now ain't that the essence of the 80-ies?).
Somehow she must have changed her mind, because I did the sweater (with loads of tutoring from mum), but when I cleared out the house after her death I found two knitted rectangles of light blue acrylics, both unsewn...

I still hate blocking and sewing pieces together.

Since I started I have tried various ways of doing beautiful things to threads: knitting, crocheting, felting, sewing, embroidering, tatting, bobbin lace... I'm constantly after new or better ways find fun by manipulating threads.

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