onsdag 29 december 2010

So many yarns, so litte time!

Got my package from EasyKnits.co.uk yesterday. I bought Very Berry and Storm Cloud. They are ultramegasupersmooth! I hardly would have guessed that the Berry was wool at all. I cannot bear not to start knitting right away... :-|

But I /shall/ finish at least one thing before I start on it. Basta! Lucky that my hand warmers are nearly done... Gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhh!

I should marry obscenely rich, so I could do all the knitting I wanted... Or not.

fredag 3 december 2010

while(true) {unravel}

Somehow I haven't really gotten around to any amounting work lately. I have, however, done quite a lot of unravelling. Boooooooring.
I bought the pattern for the dragonesque gloves from http://thread-bear.blogspot.com/ (curse you, online micro payments!). They look lovely, but as I as usual don't use neither the right yarn, nore the appropriate needle I thought I'd change it a bit. Im now on my second version, having discarded the first due to unexpected largeness. Tried to work on them on the crowded train yesterday (the one I finally found, after they cancelled the two consecutive previous ones!), and when I was home, I found I had made a serious error all the way home. Bah.
Love how the yarn behave in the pattern, so I look forward to seing them perform.

Also wait eagerly for my new phone. I want pictures here.

fredag 19 november 2010


Just thought I'd do a little webwalk before I went to sleep.

I found puncetto valsesiano. It's in italian, and I havent even tried to read it all, but the real value for nonitalian speakers is the youtube video at the bottom. Please watch, it's fantastic.
Another place containing some spectacular images is museocaprai, which also contains nicely readable english text.

lördag 6 november 2010

Caramel de camel

Visited the family W yesterday evening, celebrating T's 1000 days birthday. Apart from it always being great fun, it featured much-needed yummy food and happy and huggable kids. T was absolutely adoring trying to come to grips with her new skipping rope, and I had great pleasure in reading E's first halloween novel aloud. Monsters galore.
S had bought a very soft, fluffy and wooly camel yarn that was an instant "I want!" for me. The sad news are that it's only available in camel colour. The very same camel colour that make me look all sick.
I guess all that fluffy cuddlyness wasn't for me. :-(

torsdag 4 november 2010

Amigurumi, dårå

Ok, I give in. I thought amigurumi patterns where not for me, I like usable stuff. But I have to try this. I have to. http://apocalypseknits.blogspot.com/2010/08/chichester-pig.html Them little piggies are gonna fly. And I know just the place to put them...


I learned knitting when I was 8yrs old in the 80-ies. Mum used to knit in front of the tv every night, and I asked her to teach me.
I fell in love with a wonderfully cosy semichunky red wool, and mum said that if I showed her that I could finish a smaller project, I would be allowed to start the sweater I wanted. I embarked on a pair of light blue acrylic legwarmers to match my dancing suit (now ain't that the essence of the 80-ies?).
Somehow she must have changed her mind, because I did the sweater (with loads of tutoring from mum), but when I cleared out the house after her death I found two knitted rectangles of light blue acrylics, both unsewn...

I still hate blocking and sewing pieces together.

Since I started I have tried various ways of doing beautiful things to threads: knitting, crocheting, felting, sewing, embroidering, tatting, bobbin lace... I'm constantly after new or better ways find fun by manipulating threads.